Doula Support for VBAC Birth In Portland, Oregon
Giving birth is a profound and powerful experience. No matter how it happens, natural, induced, or cesarean, you have accomplished a miraculous task and you should be proud of what you have been through and created. The instinct for most is to want to have a vaginal birth. There are times when a cesarean is not avoidable.
Top reasons a cesarean birth is necessary:
Fetal distress: including malposition, heart rate
Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) vary rare
Cord prolapses
Placenta issues
Chronic illness: HIV, herpes, heart disease, gestational diabetes, High blood pressure
In the US in 2020 the cesarean rate was 31.8% of all births. ( Data shows that 80.7% of those cesarean’s were on low-risk patients, meaning that they were not medically necessary to preserve the life of either birther or baby. In most cases, a cesarean birth can be avoided if the proper care, education, and preparations are taken.
Top reasons for unnecessary cesareans are performed:
Failure to wait
Growth scans in third trimester suggesting a “big” baby
Preferred birth date
Provider availability
Fear of pain
Lack of education on childbirth
Fear of tearing during vaginal birth
Fear of pelvic floor problems
Fear of giving birth
Most of the above listed items can be addressed with the proper tools and education when preparing for childbirth. Many people do not even think about what their birth experience will be like until they are already pregnant. If you have been through a cesarean, your thoughts and fears surrounding that event may drive you to be more educated or hold you in trauma and fear of a repeat cesarean. Either way, there is loads of information to help you better understand how to avoid a repeat cesarean and how to get the VBAC experience you want.
The best thing you can do to have a VBAC is EDUCATE YOURSELF!!!!!
Get the notes from your cesarean from you surgeon and hospital
Talk to your provider
Hire a doula
Prepare your body and mind
Here are some of the values of hiring a doula:
Help you unpack your cesarean and any trauma related to it
Provide resources for counseling and therapy to heal your mind and body
Provide evidenced based information on VBACs
Provide education on preparing for a natural childbirth
Provide support if RCS is necessary
Provide resources to help you advocate for yourself with providers and hospitals
Know and support you emotionally
Support you physically thorough the pregnancy and labor
Help you understand the medical terms providers give you so you can make informed decisions
Has resources to help you find providers that will support your choice of VBAC
You can find evidenced based information on VBACs at the following resources:
or on social media by searching VBAC.
Heartstrings Birth Doula would love to support you in your choice of birthing experience. Contact us today for a free consultation! 503-740-6791